About me

I am an Assistant Professor in the College of Information and Computer Sciences (CICS) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, the flagship campus of the UMass system. I received my Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from North Carolina State University in 2020. I am a member of the Programming Language and Systems at Massachusetts (PLASMA) lab at UMass. My research lies in machine learning systems, with an emphasis on improving the speed, scalability, and reliability of Machine Learning.

My research aims to address a fundamental question in Machine Learning adoption: How can we create machine learning systems that efficiently deliver reliable predictions to meet the requirements of diverse applications running on various systems? To tackle this, my group focuses on reducing the costs of model development and enabling deep learning in resource-constrained edge environments. Our approaches leverage insights from the inherent trade-offs in accuracy and efficiency of machine learning, along with principles of system design such as composability, pipelining, and locality awareness. Ultimately, our aim is to democratize machine learning by making it a readily accessible technology applicable to a wide array of real-world scenarios.



  • NSF CAREER Award, 2024
  • Amazon Research Award, 2022
  • NCSU Electrical and Computer Engineering Outstanding Dissertation Award, 2020
  • IBM PhD Fellowship, 2015-2018